Saturday, October 1, 2011



以一個普通市民嘅角度諗,嘩大佬,你又唔係咩優才,只係勝在人工平先請你嚟啫。依家仲要比埋居港權你(有D市民誤以為案件講嘅係菲傭有冇居港權,實情係菲傭有冇居港權嘅申請資格),咁咪又要比最低工資?!分分鐘你來香港蹺埋雙手乜都唔做,攞綜援,申請公屋,仲申請埋菲律賓一家大細(連埋出左名唔做野既菲律賓老公)嚟香港,要香港人養埋你,點掂呀?!咩話,政府打定輸數?!拿拿聲人大釋法 K.O.左佢啦。








呢一種輸打贏要嘅心態其實好危險。如果我哋唔想見到一D野發生,就繞過法庭,揾人大釋法,今日可能好快咁解決左件事,迎合左民意,大家都好HAPPY,就只有菲傭唔HAPPY (反正我地唔CARE)。但係,試下唔好只集中一件事去睇,而係諗得長遠D,咁樣去解決一件事,對香港整體嘅法治精神,有咩長遠嘅影響?假如他日又有另一件事,關乎所有香港人嘅利益,需要法庭去判決,但人大喺法庭處理之前,又自己走出來釋法,而個結果係我地唔想要既又點呢?凡事一開先例,第二次第三次就變得好理所當然。咁樣你仲會唔會信香港仲有法律?你會唔會怕有一日你根據法律去行使你嘅權利時,會忽然有人走出來同你講,條LAW嘅意思唔係咁,你唔駛問法庭喇,法庭都唔夠我大。到時,你會唔會返轉頭要求依法公平審訊?



"3.  The court respects the freedom of expression of our citizens. At the same time, public discussions on the case often go beyond the legal issues which the court can properly resolve in the litigation. Again this is not surprising since the socio-economic and political implications of a particular outcome necessarily transcend the legal analysis of the issues before the court.

4.  But it is important that such public discussions should not be allowed to confuse the proper remit of the adjudicative function of the court in the case itself. In the performance of his judicial duty, a judge should always focus on, and only focus on, the legal merits of the issues which he or she has to determine."

5.  In the light of the public attention drawn to this case and the intensity with which the question of right of abode for foreign domestic helpers have been addressed at various quarters in the public arena, it is right that I should state clearly the nature of the judicial process at the outset. As mentioned, I can quite understand why this case generates so much public interest. I have no intention of stopping people from having discussion on the topic based on their own perspectives. However, what I should not allow to happen is to let such discussion influence this court in the process of judicial adjudication. Unlike the political process, the judicial process is not subject to any lobbying. It is important that judges are able to perform their judicial function independently, impartially and fearlessly. Our judicial oath requires judges to serve the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region conscientiously, dutifully, in full accordance with the law, honestly and with integrity, safeguard the law and administer justice without fear or favour, self-interest or deceit.

6.  I say these not because I feel any pressure in the present case. As far as I am aware, the public discussions so far represent different views on the topic held by different persons and none of them seek to influence this court in the judicial process. But I believe it is opportune that this court should reiterate what I said in the preceding paragraphs as the independence of the Judiciary is fundamental to the confidence in our administration of justice. Therefore, it is important for the general public to understand that this judgment is concerned exclusively with the legal merits of the Applicant’s arguments. It is NOT a judgment on whether as a matter of social policy FDHs should be given the right of abode. Nor does this court have any power to rewrite Article 24(2)(4). This court’s duty is to construe the Article and apply it in accordance with its true meaning."

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